Country House for sale in Lucar, Almeria

Terraced village house with two floors.
On the first floor there are 3 bedrooms, 2 kitchens, 1 living room, 1 bathroom and 1 patio 4x3 aprx.
On the second floor there are 2 bedrooms, 1 living room and 2 bedrooms.
The house needs a little review and paint.
Light and water are connected and all services.
Good access and typical Andalusian village.
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Casa Javi — #ESP 2761
Country House for sale in Lucar, Almeria
Semi-detached — Habitable
€105,000 ~ £87,675 *
- 5 bedrooms
- One bathroom
- Total Rooms: 12 rooms
- Water Yes
- Electricity Yes
- Telephone Possible
- Internet Possible