Village House for sale in Purchena, Almeria

Village house in Purchena.
This property for sale in Almeria is situated in the beautiful and traditional Village of Purchena.
This is a habitable house it is a semi detached corner house which has a good access road and parking.
The property comprises of;
On the first floor; there is a kitchen with furniture, a dining room, a bedroom, a bathroom. This part is habitable.
Two rooms to reform and a large garage.
On the second floor; there are three bedrooms this part is fine, there are four more rooms that need to reform the roof.
This house is central and in a cozy area.
The house is a typical Andalusian home, mains electricity and water are connected.
Good access to the main road towards other large Towns Motorways and Airports.
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Casa Gallina — #ESP 3140
Village House for sale in Purchena, Almeria
Semi-detached — Habitable
€46,000 ~ £38,410 *
- 4 bedrooms
- One bathroom
- Total Rooms: 14 rooms
- Water Yes
- Electricity Possible
- Telephone Landline
- Internet Wireless